is this true?...
cant really think rite now...zzz
cant sleep...
trying to get some sleep since 10pm...
watched a lot of how i met your mother...
i c my self as ted...
seriously?? kidding..
hopefully bleh bt exam esk...
lega sket life is hanging on the line here..
nih nk bg some shout out thx to all of the people tat had been supporting me...sry to anyone yg tercedera dlm peperangan mulut dan kata2...either dalam sedar or x...
aku nk restu korang...harap dpt bt exam esk n all the way smpai hari khamis 2...
5 Things yg aku nk bt cuti nih...
1.Play dota!!
2.Go out...anywhere i dont mind...
3.tgk how i met your mother smpai abis season >.<
5.tgk new nice je wakakkaka
p/s:rushdan...jgn bt tau sape2 tat thing i told u...aku x btul sgt time tuh kot.. zzz
Partnership Astrology
3 months ago
i sense a black mail approaching~