Wednesday, December 16, 2009


dah lma aku x write a post...
nih nak taip satu...
cuti nih boriinngg sgt...
everyone dah jd boring...
aku pn boooriing sgt...
tapi aku ad guitar ku...haha...nice~...
bnyk da lagu leh men wakakka...sdap je...
main dota cam pro da skrang...
(tapi kna blasah 1-3 dkat FTZ) pro la sgt...
sd-kalah(kantoi calture shock)
sd-kalah(kantoi 5th teammate)
ap-menang(sume pro especially my riki wakkaka)
ar-kalah(nih hero x btul biasa la AR game)
a review i think ktorang lack of experience men ngan pro...
diorng gna hero yg ktorang xleh byang bleh gna smpai cam2...OMG
cara diorng gna pn holy shit tul...
haha speaking of trying to be a better man...
ad time pagi tuh my dad bkak tv9 ad ustaz amin..
he reminded me of my fav ustaz din dkat balik pulau...
who is.. nice n the end of the show
dia bg a curious young boy i it..
it is interesting..
he actually answers question that had been ask through the internet...
well mayb i could gain sum knowledge n i wanted to share it wif u guys...
well if u hav any question u could ask him...
back 2 my life a few days back...
a frend of mine ayub recommended cerita nih...LASKAR PELANGI
a 5 out of 5 from me...holy shit cam ckg2 nyer citer sket..
tapi still everyone yg tgk would felt touched...(well i think so)
haha gud luck 2u ayub hopefully u'll be a good teacher..
and one day a lecturer...
this is so far the best indonesian movie ive watched...
these are the download link if u want to download..

Thursday, December 3, 2009

I wont force anyone...~

kna flu like 3 days already...getting worst...rite now i think it is at the peak of it..tmorrow IELTS test..3 email on the same stuff from dr.wan mansor...dunno why..there are 2 many of it...The good news is that the all the test will be held on the same date...(for some of us) which is on the 5th of dec...
at 8 am we have to be at the british council near KLCC(dun really know where it is) but it is somewhere..first up is the writing , listening test...and at 5.15pm will be my turn to sit for the speaking test...the time is not really apporiate ....since we end our test at 12.30...i got exactly 4 hours and 45 minutes untill the speaking test...might as well go and watch some movies at KLCC..zzz...
things to do after the IELTS
a.PCFair-wif zulkarnain ..hopefully salman fazmi faizal n fadil could come along..
b.the night watch tat rye told us-hope fully jadi...
c.penang trip- school reunion SKSG
d.comic fest at sunway on the 19th and 20th
e.Yet another BP gathering..organize by me(semperna azwan balik dari indon kononnya)...hopefully the crowd are rocking like the usual..
f.also not to forget an old yet good frend's birthday..happy birthday in advance

here are some point for you to think when doing something:
(ive seen alot of ppl who dont think before they act)
-do you need it?(the most basic question to ask)
-what comes before it?(what must you do before you do it)
-what good does it comes?(think about the pros)
-did someone force you to do it?(do not do it if you do not like it)
-are you being your self?(bring sense to what you are doing)
-if you did not do it does it bring harm to others?(dont be selfish)

PS:I Know What You Dont know :)

here are some of the photos tat i like ...on the 2nd trip to pavi to watch another movie..

Saturday, November 28, 2009


ad quote sem sempoi...very2 funny"harap mukanya je cun,tetapi mulut bau longkang...menyebabkan kamu rasa sgt ingin menamparnya tanpa segan-silu"...=.= hahahaha!!...been fun staying at home alot of travelling nih..~~
Gambar outside view of uniKL(blakang) dpan bleh tahan lawa....

last day test ari tuh mmg best!! of THE best night....pagi tuh test math...xpk da test...rase nk balik je...boring2...aku pn blah 30 minit lagi awl dari abis test...aku ingat rmai2 nk kluar...aku sorang je sial korang nih..da abis x nk blah..aku pn balik amek
project PDD n Engineering techniques aku....berpeluh gak rmpai ke uniKL 2-3 kali...silap btul..x bwak awl2...
ptg tuh ktorang men dota...wasnt tat fun pn...pagi tadi da ckp saper nk g jenjalan mlm x de smbutan je last b4 maghrib je si james ckp jom kluar..ktorang pn planning nk g TS...
tapi alang2 da smua org x pnah g pavi...kter g pavi ~~ haha aku pn membawa kereta kecik ku dngan cermat... perrghh...smpai je trus g makan...makan saje tunggu nyer pasal da sejam...the service was really2 bad...rase nk bakar je kedai tuh ...da la lapar cam giler leh lak...service mangkok...nih msa dkat TS...before tgk wayang...havent really decide nk tgk aper...either twilight or ninja assasin...bratur2 then we've decided nk tgk ninja assasin since hem ckp best...tgk pnye tgk...perghh sdap sial ill give ninja assassin
storyline: 5
CGI: 3
Actor/Actress: 5
impact: 5
kire 4.5 larr average..awesome movie...
FlyFM ckp tat thing yg happend inside the movie...some of it is the clan thingy...

ticket parking x mhl cam expected RM6 cheaper then TS...ktorang pn balik kepenatan tapi penuh dengan kegembiraan..(cam karangan darjah 6)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Neat trick....

super cool trick...ill explain it alittle bit later..before i go to sleep to face my thermo exam...

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Dlu msa kecik2...

skema giler time skolah on a hunt nk cari gambar2 lmer2 teke...mner aku??....muke dari dlu smer je smpai skrang...hahah
haziq(MRSM langkawi|MRSM pasir salak)aka lecaros
Halim Nasri(MRSM Trans|MRSM TGB)...ader skali haha
credit 2 rabiatul adawiyah...classmate dlu msa skolah rendah..^^

Friday, November 20, 2009

Pls do tell me...zzz

here is the theory on what am i going to say...zzz...i am not a typical malay who kept things inside my heart...i rather show it to the world..what am i made of...(this do sounded a little different then what am i trying to tell u)..aku rasa smua org da jadi boring asl eh(individu itu sendiri adlah boring)?..x menarik langsung..ckp ah benda yg menarik sket yg bleh aku reply ke..yg bleh aku bg comment ke..
for example da makan ke??.."dah"...binatang ap yg aku nk reply lepas tuh?....asl rasa camni? any comments? is a stupid old one..tapi still memorable..sry bib this is hurt sumtimes

i felt tat i did sumthing wrong...pls... if u think that i had done something wrong...or the situation is totally wrong... if u do get... what i mean ~~ pls do tell me...if u kept quite camne nk solve x??hahah
a must watch...the new diversity...haha

this is really cool~~
p/s: i meant u no harm...and also this is a general statement..sapa2 terasa pls do tell me dkat YM or even sms...zzz
one more p/s: totally loving how i met your mother...

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Failure is not an option

is this true?...
cant really think rite now...zzz
cant sleep...
trying to get some sleep since 10pm...
watched a lot of how i met your mother...
i c my self as ted...
seriously?? kidding..
hopefully bleh bt exam esk...
lega sket life is hanging on the line here..
nih nk bg some shout out thx to all of the people tat had been supporting me...sry to anyone yg tercedera dlm peperangan mulut dan kata2...either dalam sedar or x...
aku nk restu korang...harap dpt bt exam esk n all the way smpai hari khamis 2...

5 Things yg aku nk bt cuti nih...
1.Play dota!!
2.Go out...anywhere i dont mind...
3.tgk how i met your mother smpai abis season >.<
5.tgk new nice je wakakkaka

p/s:rushdan...jgn bt tau sape2 tat thing i told u...aku x btul sgt time tuh kot.. zzz

Monday, November 16, 2009

Find the way....

feeling much better today...unlike yesterday is the last day bt 3 subject in one day...after this straight concentrate on a single subject hope it works la...been studying like hell for the past few x sure bleh ke x jawab soalan..we'll see what will happen... bru ja abis tgk full metal alchemist...much more intense dari previous version...the X factor just couldnt stop being better and better...the tide are high...i dont really know who is going 2 win...hopefully bkan john n edward .....they are nice people ...but as simon said this is a singing competition... quote of the day "its either i drop to the floor or i come back fighting"-Danyl smua org should not give up no matter what it is..
song of the day i didnt know my own strength sang by Whitney Houston

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Felt like dying to day...

lol hari nih rasa nk mati sket sbb bnyk sgt teringat msa lampau then tgk gundam seed..dlu emo giler tgk cite nih..bpk ah mmg touching pn cite pnuh dngan unsur2 politic yg jelas dalam dunia sebenar...tapi kt sdar dan leka dlm kancah kehidup (perghh ayat x leh blah) ... dlu bleh biler pk balik how stupid am i..zzzz..with the help of some of my frends i began 2 realize benda2 tuh fixed the broken me...T.T sdih dgar..haha heres a song back from when i am in form 2-3 from gundam seed/seed destiny
and also jay chow Feng which is the best chinese song i had ever heard of sgt2...dlu jiwang...skrang pn jwang gak..tapi bertempat ah haha...thx to rushdan and amylea cheering me up today...sbb tuh terasa nk tulis blog tuh..haha...

sial AJ valent n aqil g flyfm flyniversary...gila...i cant...rasa nk g tp ad final exam 2 faced

Monday, September 21, 2009

selamat ari raye !!

selamat hari raya 2 all my viewers haha...
taun nih x tau la knapa...~~ hari raya was dull...nt as fun cam dlu2 msa kecik2 haha here are
nih gambar after salam2 celebrating by taking pictures~~
this was before i went back to KL thats me standing behind my bro wearing purple baju melayu(ke pink?)
my niece so..actively participating hari raya...
my sister...she wanted to send this picture 2 abg shafik~~
these are some of the pics tat was taken using my phone during hari raya first mjlis mkan2 tat night ngan my family ^^
N also a day before raya i watch august rush a good frend of mine zulfahmi recommended to me it was awesome...thx zul~~

Thursday, September 17, 2009

lmer x hantar post ~~sjak ddk rumpai..

nih die gambar2 ktorang nyer rumpai house dkat taman seri rmpai megan stapak 1-2-3...
tempat best tapi bnyk cabarnyer yg tersendiri mkanan mmg mahal skali mkn paling kurang Rm5...CC dkat sgt addicted..awl2 tuh ktorang men tiap2 hari..xleh blah btul..biler last nih bnyk test dan sbagainyer kurang la sket
nih rumah first ktorang 32-28-40 beh kurang kot no die..after that ktorang pindah because it was too small la..~~cam anjing laut sedang berehat ditepi pntai.... lol

ini rakan rmah(housemate) aku:
-ahmau -puad -valent -Cdiq -Hem -James -Syabil -Along

nih view dari luar tingkat tingkat 24~~
dkat uniKL at first ktorang kne naik bas..~~ tapi bus pn lousy aku tension gak tunggu cam taik je....gambar aku stress out tunggu bus~~
nih UniKL time mlm..~~ could u imagine..ktorang kne tunggu bus ad yg smpai darn pissed dkat bus tuh

classmate dkat UniKL ^^
-rye -tehot -pikah -hem -bib -fadam -adi -wae -puad -along -daus -hakim -jawe -afif -momo -syamil -naeem -syabil -james -Aku~~

nih ktorang g time puasa TS..~~ time tuh nk ttp da..~~ ntah camner leh planing cam gampang
study mmg best tapi ad cabaran tersendiri~ kadang2 xpaham biasa la tuh..kadang2 ntah mls nk paham lol
Pensyarah ktorang
Coordinator-PM Dr wan mansor
Material-sir naghuib(bdak2 pompuan sker)
engineering tech-sir JMJ
product design(CAD)- DR darul ihsan
Math-X ingat tapi lawa la..~~
Statics- OMG sir george
thermo- sir Zaid(ajr jgn lju sgt hahah)
nih yg msuk credit hours ader yg x lol cam IELTS x yah mention la~~
best la dpt post balik~~

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Check this out.....

Check this out... this is Rachael an Android from SE(Sony Ericsson)

the new android is going to really give a kick to iPhone... with feature like 8MP camera HSDPA and all of the sorts tat iPhone are offering + extra feature tat is not on an iPhone

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Andriods Phone??....

aper nate nih...ungkapan i am going to tell u all about andriod...i am going to tell u in a simple Q&A form

what is an andriod ?
Andriod is a phone operating system similar to symbians and windows mobile.

who created andriod in the first place?
Google was the first to really put it together.

Andriod is derived from?
andriod is acutally derived form linux kernel

what is linux?
linux is an open source operating system.

what does open source means?
basically, it means the accessibility to a software's source if free for the people to look and change according to thier needs and creativity.

how much does the andriods phone OS cost?

How come?
basically i comes from linux an open source software.. which is always free

why did ppl turn to andriod?
because it is free , fast ,relaible, it could basically do any other mobile OS jobs

what phone company are persueing andriod as thier OS of the future?
dell,SE,samsung,HP ect.

why isnt iphone and nokia listed?
because they hav thier own OS..for example nokia hav thier symbians

how big is andriod going to be?
pretty much very big..

why is it going to be big?
because it is an open source software.

could i take a look at the screen shot ?
yeah sure here it is

if i do hav any other question?
comment on this post. >.<

Saturday, June 27, 2009

trip bez,part 5(last one)

lepas je sattle smua benda kitorng bergambar dkat bus ah..classic n cam biasa la..its time to say goodbye to BP see you next year la kot kn?..before pg UK insyallah..bleh ah bt satu lg trip kn?...sedap gak kalau wat lagi satu..
then kitorang da janji da ngan julia nk jumpa dia dkt QB(queens bay bkn queens belfast) before tat g sg.Nibong dlu..tgk ticket bus balik klate..utk zul..ntah paper la..nk sgt balik awl..then kitorang smpai qb ...kitorang pn mkn la dlu..pompuan biasa la shopping lma siot!!....tuh fazmi pnya tangan cam biasa..haha..dia ngah layan awek..awek mner??..tanyer die....then after tat..kitorang pn balik hotel..tunggu mlm sket nk antar mamat tuh balik..mlm tuh kitorang ad BBQ zaki bt..n durian sponsered by mat uchen ...namer glamer sial muhsin...
lepas je ber bye2 ngan si zul kitorang pn ber tolak g bt.ferringi ...aku pn x sure dkat mner tp zaki ckp dkat ngan the ship...mlm tuh midnight market lg..bpk ah bleh tahan sesak gak..slmat diorng smpai utk tunjuk jalan..rupa2 nya blakang tempat kitorang mkn sarapan sblum g bt ferringi je tempat BBQ tuh..dekat la ngan pntai..pnat menunggu haha smpat g tgk keliwon cite hantu kuning diraja mlm tuh ntah paper smua gelak2 lagi ader ah x de takut aper pn...then ajim smpai bwak bt arang..x gna lma gak kitorang tunggu dia mlm tuh...mat den x dpt dtg bpk dia x bg hariz ckp...seronok pnya seronok da pkul 1 da ..
zaki bt lwak2 lg haha gelak sakan mlm tuh.. kitorang jenjalan pantai lepas je BBQ..tenang je rase...i wish benda this trip xkn abis sbnarnya haha sbb best !! well aku drive pn slow ja mlm tuh utk balik hotel..we talk about so many things bila balik 2...bila lagi eh nk ad benda camnih?? ntah la this one i cant really tell u the answer..lepas nih smua org busy...da msuk U n all n ad yg nk g overc da utk next year..i dont think it would be easy kalau nk bt lagi satu BP akan trus dalam kenangan ...n full reunion wajib bt..n wajib aku akn dtg..dengar cert lagi 8 taun bpk lmer nyeeerrr....esk tuh kitorang g lagi balik pulau utk beli durian utk family..haha...then kitorang pn balik sorang demi sorang...T.T sedih hmmm

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Trip bez.part4

nih sambungan the last post... haha time juma ckg JM ad nama x ingat... skrang ingat da...ckg kelly da..sengallan g ketty la..merepek2...sdap la jumpa ckg sembang2 n all..smua da besar da skrang..haha dlu kecik2 cam bodo je...kitorang jumpa ckg wan..ckg dania..then ckg asma..not to forget ckg homeroom aku ckg ayu...sry ah x tangkap gambar dowh..lupa time la kn...ujung taun ke..taun depan ke... then...jumpa ustaz kesayangan lg..ustaz din..dia bg2 nasihat..dtg2 la g jumpa ckg2..mintak restu...lepas je kitorang selesai jumpa ckg tiba2 dapat call muhsin ckp dia nk msuk pak guard skema x bg...aku pn pg la ingat nk balik at first haha..then jumpa ckg halimaton n ckg samba..yg skrang nih HEP n HEK(a new post dkat maktab)...sembang pnya sembang...smua msuk...skali ngan diorng yg prog GAP pn msuk...ntah paper je..then nanti be sure ah 2013 dtg...saje memeriah kn the opening of the time capsule....aku ingat aku nk dtg ah..lg pn time tuh da grad kn??...haha...then diorng yg rermai da smpai...pnya ramai about 4 kereta and 3 moto if i am not lbh ...lbh kurang ah tuh...then kitorang lepak la dkat depan counter pejabat bpk la diorng da bnyk berubah....epol makin lamer makin bulat sial...then yg paling bnyk tukar adam ah...haha rabut da karat2 korea sial len x nmpk ketara 2 tuh la nmpk len gila...then zulhilmi ah..ckp zaki planning nk wat BBQ mlm tuh..kitorang pk2 dlu..then bru mlm tuh si zulkarnain tuh nk balik..kitorang ap2 pn kitorang g smyang dlu haha..then bru PK..die ckp kalau x de bus dkat sg.nibong bru dia nk g mlm kitorang pn g la surau al-hidayah..surau maktab laaa...ini la surau yg dlu lepak study..n beribadat sket..haha..sembang2 je bnyk...nothings changed except ad sudut bacaan..tempat dlu korang sembang rmai2...after smyang n all..kitorang ddk depan surau..tempat tunggu perhimpuanan..haha..bpk ah classic gila..time2 era sekolah menengah...syok sial..sejurus selepas itu..kitorang g koop..haha koop skrang da besar sket..(sket je la...not much pn..)tapi still the same koop...ader kak basha n bdak koop...dlu mahzuz poyo...ader haha skrang x de da la..die pn nk fly..da g jepun next year...tuh epol...besar x??...muz cam biasa la..wanj n mat zaki da besar da smua kn??....nih confirm kna sambung next time..haha part5...aku nk g men dota..

Monday, June 22, 2009

trip bez .part2

Hari 3rd(khamis)
today is the day la...nih la tujuan kitorang g penang pn ...utk amek sijil n jumpa ckg2..haha aku pn lupa abis nk tangkap gambar ckg2 haha...suppose kitorang janji ngan julia pkul 9 n smpai bp kul 10 tapi bagun pn kul 9 haha then siap2 kul 10 ad kt kdai mamak tgh makan dkat tepi sign board nih haha....smua mcm berdebar2 je nk smpai...smpai2 pak guard makin lamer makin skema n all kena tanda tangan aku bg je kd pengenalan dkat juwe sruh die isi kn mls aku..haha..kitorang smpai ...dlm kul 11 la jgak kn?...lepak lamer giler kt sner...terkenang kenangan2 lalu yg sgt2 ah best msuk2 dlu tempat nih ah lalu..giler gerun time tuh...tapi smua tunjuk best je awl2...nmpk x brapa rapat...then bila da form5 mmg sdap ah..heheh..walaupun ad benda yg x best itulah org kata pengalaman n benda2 mcm nih x leh menyesal..kita mesti lalui ngan hati yg tabah haha
nih gambar diorng...msa da smpai kt maktab smua tersenyum autobot aku pn tersenyum lebar...fazmi ja control be cont part3 x de msa nk bt panjang2 haha

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Trip yg sungguh best!! part 1.

Hari pertama(selasa)
Well aku bertolak dari rumah ku pkul 9.45 dkat2 kul 10 la kire...aku drive dgn tenang...tiba2 sakit perut ...aku pn drive la laju2 lbh kurang 140-150KM/h then smpai dkat RnR aku pn lepas kn hajat ku... byangkn kjap je aku smpai ipoh...haha..then aku pick up anip n fazmi dkat jusco Ipoh beh kurang kul 11.30.. then we all bertolak ke penang dengan tenang dan selamat..haha..then smpai penang beh kurang kul 2 la..then rest2...ptg tuh ktorang g mkn KFC fazmi sanggap KFC ptg tuh..x tau ah knapa..then g ambik zulkarnain(adik kitorang) dkat Jeti hahaha... balik je smuanya da penat..giler babeng

waktu menunjukkn pkul 8mlm...
kami x stop dkat situ mlm(mlm masih muda) tuh ktorang g kedai mamak...mkn nasik kandaq..haha....then ktorang round2 USM saje terkenang time camp Math seminggu kt sner..mmg best camp math tuh...then tgk2 kashmir..tempat yg kitorang ja tau dkat mana...sbb x wujud pn tempat tuh..."greenday" mesti tercarik2 lg tempat tuh..haha
the kitorang g Infinity which kitorang fly msa camp math tuh smata2 nk men cc smpai kul 2-3 cam biasa la dkat CC pham2 la men ap...mesti la DOTA..haha ...kitraong balik dari CC tuh beh kurang kul 2 gak..jalan yg lengang best giler driving..haha...tat nite si zulkarnain tuh ckp nk g jenjalan lg..tgk2 balik2 hotel die tido first...x gner tul
Hari Kedua(rabu)

ari nih excited sket ..pagi tuh x da org x sbuh smua x knatoi tp bgun lmbt nk mati gak...kul 9 bru bgun then we went off to batu feringgi..haha kitorang mkn roti canai tepi pantai..then we went for a walk dkat tepi pantai...wat a beautiful view ..first2 planing nk mandi n all tp x jadi smua cam x larat je..haha then mula la rasa menyesal bila da ad dkat situ sbb smua x bwak extra baju haha

on the way back we went to gurney plaza nk beli ticket wayang for to night...2 movie back 2 back..and one of them monster vs aliens 3d which requires a special spec...then lepak2 dkat gurney to before ambik juwe dkat jeti..
we ate McD

then fazmi g tgk kasut yg die minat ntah la die tuh..then suddenly juwe called....lerr da this time zul drive dari gurney smpai ke jeti..juwe dgan rambut panjang nyer lol....tat petang we all smua pg pasar mlm gelugor...x da bnyk berubah pn from the last 10 years still hari rabu like always..haha...then kitorang get ready for our mid night movies back2 back... rasa mcm very alive la tat night..walaupun penat haha..
nih gambar kitorang pkai spec dolby digital 3d which saper yg rosakkan kene bayar RM250
movies tuh mmg gempak ah especially 3d version tuh best there are parts cam pening sket..x dpt catch up ngan animation it was a nice experience la...balik mlm tuh kul 2 pg gak mlm tuh berebut tempat tido..5 4 katil ...last2 anip tido ngan juwe haha..